
Thursday, March 14, 2013

7 tips to motivate employees

 1.     Be generous with praise – it’s so easy and praise from the top goes farther than you might think. Make it a habit to look for good things that people have done and say thank you. Once you’re comfortable delivering praise 1 to 1 with an employee, try praising them in front of others.

2.     Coach not play - Make your ideas theirs. People hate being told what to do. Instead of telling people what you want done; ask them in a way that will help them decide what to do.  “I’d like you to do it this way” turns into “What options have we got to get this done?”

3.     Never directly criticize or correct. OK, this isn’t a motivator but it is a massive de-motivator. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t look for improvement, just try an indirect approach to help people learn from their mistakes and work out how to do it better next time.  Ask, “How did it go? Was that the best approach the problem? If not, why not? Have any ideas on what you could have done differently?”   You’re looking to have a conversation about options & solutions, not pointing a finger.  

4.     Surprise them. Take an employee out for a coffee, cook the team lunch, bring in doughnuts - anything out of the ordinary.  Just remember that this is not a policy or team building exercise and never make an announcement that you’re establishing a new policy. It’s an easy way to remind staff that you’re human; you notice and appreciate their work. 

5.     Give recognition and small rewards. This can range from public recognition at a team meeting to letting your imagination riot. Try telling an employee to take their partner out to lunch on the company as a thank you for a special job.

6.     Any excuse for a party. Doing things as a group can go a long way so have a company picnic, celebrate birthdays, hold a happy hour. Organising events throughout the year demonstrates you're human and you're all in it together.

7.     Share the ups and the downs. When it goes well, celebrate (see above) to say thank you for their hard work.  They say a little thanks goes a long way so imagine how far a lot of thanks will go. This is the best time to let everyone know that you appreciate their hard work. Likewise, if there are disappointments, share those too. Be honest and transparent.

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